Gilliam Sunflower Festival
This Saturday I traveled to Louisiana with my great friend, Tay, to the Gilliam Sunflower Festival. I personally love small town festivals and celebrations. They have so much character, and everyone is out having a jolly good time! I found out about this festival while I was doing some pant shopping in Shreveport (my town never carries my size jean, I’m such an average size too, oh well!). I was stuck in rush hour traffic near a billboard that was advertising the Sunflower Jubilee and decided it would be a neat activity to check out! Thankfully Tay enjoys adventuring as much as I do and joined me! It was a blast! There were sunflowers everywhere, great music, nifty crafts, and delicious food! We enjoyed ourselves some Alligator on a Stick. Alligator really does taste like chicken, just a bit chewier. We met adorable puppies and wonderfully nice people. Overall, it was a great experience and I can’t wait to go back next year!
On our way home, I wanted to show Tay the bison in town. Unfortunately, they were in the back of the field, so they were hard to see. However, the horses were more than happy to get some loving attention! I love when animals give affection. It is so genuine. They love without necessarily expecting anything in return.
Well, here are some photos I took during our weekend adventure!