Things to do in Corpus Christi | 24 Hours
Howdy! I recently got to go experience things to do in Corpus Christi This past June I took a 45 min flight from DFW to Corpus Christi, Texas. And if you’re thinking to yourself “Wow, Michelle, don’t you have to get to airports 2 hours before flights and your flight wasn’t even in 45 mins?!” then you’d be correct. Texas is big and weekends are small. Thankfully, my boyfriend’s family is super sweet and flew me out to visit him one weekend this summer. He went home to Corpus Christi after the Spring semester and I started my internship in Frisco, Texas. Basically, two opposite ends of Texas! So seeing each other was a little tricky!
Going to visit him was my first time ever going to Corpus Christi, and I thoroughly enjoyed it! Noel honestly made it sound not nice, but that was a lie because it was a very enjoyable weekend trip! If you’re like me, and maybe have no clue what all there is to do in Corpus, then let me give you a fun 24-hour itinerary for Corpus Christi!
Coffee Waves:
Corpus Christi Art Museum:
Walking Along the Seawall:
