Howdy, Y’all! I have now lived in my own apartment for a year. Yup. You read that right. My own! While I’ve definitely had some AMAZING roommates (shout out to my final semester roommates), I love having a place that is completely mine. Ok, well Apple begs to differ, it is her place too… The best part? All 50 of my alarms can go off without me needing to apologizes to my roommates the next morning (see below for proof). I wanted to share a small virtual apartment tour with the blog.

When I first started prepping to move to my apartment, I knew I wanted to have fun decorating it. I wanted to turn it into an oasis of relaxation and what’s more relaxing than a jungle? With that in mind, I tried to buy all of my decor as if my apartment was a showroom for Opal House. As for my furniture, 90% of it came from walmart.com. When you don’t own anything other than a bedside table it can really start to add up purchasing furniture. Walmart’s website actually offers a nice selection for a relatively low price.
I wanted to give y’all a quick apartment tour, because honestly, I like how my apartment looks! My blog is where I document a lot of my life, and of course that includes my apartment decorating! I don’t ever think I’ll stop tweaking and changing things, but that’ll just mean I’ll have to give an update at some point! Also, yes, my apartment is actually always this tidy. I didn’t just clean it up for the pictures. There is a reason Monk is one of my favourite shows…
Apartment Tour
I created several mood boards to help me get an idea of what I wanted my apartment to look like. I recommend doing this if you are moving to a new place. Don’t worry if your apartment doesn’t turn out looking like your boards. It’s your place at the end of the day. You just need to like it!
Mood Boards
Living Room
Kitchen & Dining Area
I actually recently became an affiliate with Amazon! This means if you click on any of the following links I could get some revenue. But I actually got this table from Amazon. The sides, fold down, so if you have an even smaller space, then this table is perfect! I personally love it. It’s perfect for my apartment!
All of my real plants live in my bedroom because Apple has this master mind plant to destroy all plant life. So fake plants have to make due in my living room area where Apple wonders about unsupervised.
And that’s my apartment! I know it may not be everyone’s style or taste, but I love living here! I pay a reasonable price for a fair amount of square footage which is a blessing. Let me know in the comments what you’re decorating style is! I think mine is a mix of boho/eclectic/ & minimalist. Also, if you saw something that looked interesting chances are I might have DIYed it, so be sure to check out my DIY Page.