Farewell, summer! Although your abundant hours of sleep and radiant hues of green were quite the pleasantry, I certainly will not miss the beads of sweat plunging down my back or the intense sultry heat radiating from the sun. Rather, I will welcome in my longtime friend, autumn, with its crisp, cool temperatures and a brilliant array of colors.
The first drop in temperature always brings a change in the ambiance and spirits of people as they prepare for the new season full of festivities and new experiences. Children, who have been hunkered away in their icy, acclimatized homes throughout the dog days of summer, begin to venture out into the natural world. They dance and play in the colorful leaves that have plummeted to earth from their home branches and if you listen closely between the giggles and squeals, the sound of these leaves can be heard crunching underfoot.
With the change in temperature and the welcoming of a new color palette, switches from shirts designed to assist with the constant pools of sweat to sweaters ruffled with ivory lace and jackets lined with fuzzy angora appear everywhere in clothing stores. Boots rather than sandals begin to fill the shoe departments and scarfs can be seen around people’s necks as they scamper to and fro.
Taste buds also begin to crave a change! No longer does the tongue desire sweet tea infused with peach flavoring, but it desires warm, smooth pumpkin spice lattes. Salads fall to the wayside as delectable, aromatic soups take their place. Fall vegetables line the produce aisle, and like a rainbow, they display a wonderful spectrum of colors from crimson to butterscotch. Pumpkins and squash are for sale at every street corner. Wal-Mart no longer has areas filled to the brim with school supplies; they have been replaced with Halloween decorations, candy, and costumes for children.
With autumn comes excitement and apprehension that no other season can muster. It brings about the ending of the year. It is the end of many good memories and accomplishments. Consequently, I welcome autumn with open arms and say my bittersweet good-bye to summer.
Failed attempt to take a cute leaf throwing picture